Framing as an art

Recently, it has become quite common to see paintings displayed without frames. Generally, this is not a very good idea.
A painting needs a frame. The type of interior does not matter here. You can choose a frame for a painting that will hang in a classic interior, as well as for one that will be placed in a modern or minimalist setting.
A painting without a frame is like a woman without clothing. If the figure is perfect, no outfit will significantly enhance natural beauty. Conversely, it’s better to choose clothing that skillfully highlights one’s individuality.
The same applies to a painting. Sometimes, it is extremely difficult to choose a frame without detracting from the perception of the artwork. However, more often than not, a frame gives the painting a sense of “completion” and “depth.”
That’s why all paintings in museums are framed. And that’s why artists often finished their works by placing them in frames, to complement the harmony between the frame and the artwork.
And who better to choose a frame for a painting than the artist themselves…